Thursday, 31 March 2011

A busy day at the office

09.00 hrs and the first phone call of the day was from a journalist who I know who, last year, covered our National Three Peaks Challenge to raise money for Help for Heroes. Once again Lewis wanted to write a story for the local paper to promote this year's London Marathon fundraising for MacMillan Cancer Support and Alzheimer's Society.

I'm raising money for MacMillan Cancer Support and Alzheimer's Society because I personally know two people who have recently received excellent support and care from these charities.

After conducting a telephone interview there was time to fit in some event fundraising admin, before going for an 8 mile training run. I'd arranged to meet up with a photographer from the newspaper, for a photo shoot, at 11.45. That meant that I'd have to break off from my run for a few minutes, on route, to meet the photographer and do the shoot.

Upon returning from my training run the phone rang again and this time I had to conduct an interview with another newspaper who wanted to run an article about the London Marathon. Hopefully all of this media coverage will help to raise more funds for MacMillan Cancer Support and Alzheimer's Society.

19.00 hrs saw me making a dash across town to attend a talk about the Alzheimer's Society, which was organised by fellow Adventure Fundraising team member and Saddleworth Runner, Howard Chambers. The presentation, which was given by a representative from Alzheimer's Society, was very imformative. I think all those who were present were very surprised and shocked to learn about a disease which is still little understood and a charity which receives very little funding, in comparrison to some other charities.

The talk generated numerous cash donations and made people much more aware of the debilitating effects of Dementia.

Chris M

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